Kern Capital
Our Approach
Kern Capital manages a diversified portfolio stretching from new ventures to established and profitable businesses across many industry sectors, but with a particular focus on the life sciences. We tend to make investments of $5 to $15 million in only a few companies each year, and partner with outstanding management teams for the long term. While we typically are active members of the board of directors of our portfolio businesses, we do not seek involvement in their daily operations.
Through a long term approach to the liquidity horizon, Kern Capital investments are not beholden to a single exit strategy, but are instead opportunistic about investor capital return whether through M&A, IPO, recap, dividend, or otherwise.
Our Mission is to provide capital and advice to help entrepreneurs realize their dreams of creating market leading businesses. Nothing gives us greater satisfaction than to see those dreams fulfilled.

At Kern Capital, we demonstrate our commitment to the success of our investors, management, and businesses by typically serving as the largest personal investors in each of our portfolio companies. Our investors are high net worth individuals, family offices, and foundations who are all well-known to us and who share our sense of fair play and excitement about the potential to help grow great businesses. Many have been investing with us for almost twenty years and some for even longer.

60 E. Sir Francis Blvd, Suite 302
Larkspur, CA, 94939